April Lockhart
April Lockhart is a born July 4th, 1995. When she was in the 7th grade she began to take guitar lessons and piano lessons. It was this that ignited her love for songwriting. When she was in seventh grade April started taking guitar and piano classes. This ignited her interest to write songs. She spent lots of the time of 14 making songs and practicing the piano. She began writing alongside her father at home in NY and LA within a short time. April added other themes to the track "Take My Hand" for a few of her acquaintances who faced concerns like peer pressure disabilities, and even teenage suicide. Lockhart has become a sought-after lifestyle influencer as well as being a partner with brands that are clean and healthy like Ilia and YSL, has cultivated a large audience. The truth is that she was born without a left hand, and it is what makes her different. However, this isn't the only characteristic of her. As a result Lockhart's Instagram page does not shy away from her disability, but it doesn't center around the issue either. What message is it sending? That we all contain multitudes and that we are all unique and that we're much more than our physical selves. Lockhart speaks through video from Nashville. "I don't want it to define my life. I don't want to be merely identified as a specialist in disability. My daily life isn't directly affected by disability. I go about my regular day-to-day life and discover my own solutions to problems. The same is true for my personality, and it should be discussed. Lockhart is a true source of motivation for self-acceptance generally she is on a long process to attain this. However, she admits having moments when she felt uncomfortable with her appearance as well as wearing clothes which displayed her arms. Now she wears whatever outfit she wants and posts pictures on her Facebook page with pride. Self-love, she says is a journey. It's not clear whether you'll get to the final stage. That's true of everyone regardless of how much they are afraid. I believe having friends around you who really are aware of you and know the depths of your soul is vital as they'll be the ones who remind you What are you worrying about?

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